Friday, June 2, 2023

Movie review - Assassins


Director: Richard Donner

Writers: Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowski and Brian Helgeland

Actors: Sylvester Stallone, Antonio Banderas and Julianne Moore

My guess: 6,3? - 1996? (6,3 - 1995)

My Points: 7,0 - 3½/5

Nice, good - 90's movie. I liked this one! I mean I have 'always' like this, 'cause I have seen this about ten times.

The chemistry between Sylvester "Robert Rath" Stallone and Antonio "Miguel Bain" Banderas was nice! Cool names also, btw...

Chess was nice addition. The action were also very nice, Miguel was on a roll! There where couple of nice explosion's - altough, there were pretty bad CGI when it (explosion) wasn't real. But when it was (real) - if it was?! It although seemed to be - it was very nice looking!

The chatting were pretty funny, at least with Miguel (and the 'bad guy'), Miguel loosing his nerve.

The bank scene were pretty nice, Miguel being very nervous and sweatting.

The ending twist were pretty nice. But only "nice", not great...

But a very good action flik from the 90's, which I definately recommend to everyone. There is lots of others stuff, than blasting off with guns. Good movie, I liked!

Movie review - Top Gun: Maverick

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