Thursday, December 14, 2023

Movie review - Top Gun: Maverick

Top Gun: Maverick

Director: Joseph Kosinski

Writers: Jim Cash, Jack Epps Jr. and Peter Craig

Actors: Tom Cruise, Jennifer Connelly and Miles Teller

My guess: 7,0? - 2021? (8,3 - 2022)

My Points: 7,3 - 4-/5

The first one is way too better, than this sequal - it's a classic!

Not that, this is bad - but the first one is just so good. The points are maybe a little bit too close, but this sequal gets points - for being so good, in now'a'days. When the movies kinda sucks, expecially comparing to the old ones...

The "Kill Bill drinking water by being dusty" was fun.

It was nice to hear "Great Balls Of Fire" again - by "the son".

Nice to see Val "Adm. Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky" Kilmer again, too bad - that in poor condition.

Nice to see, Tom "Capt. Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell" Cruise succeeding two times with the fighter.

It was also nice to see Jennifer "Penny Benjamin" Connelly and Ed "Radm. Chester 'Hammer' Cain" Harris, not forgetting Anthony "Goose" Edwards son, Miles "Lt. Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw" Teller. The "bully" Glen "Lt. Jake 'Hangman' Seresin" Powell was also good addition.

Roosters "comeback" was cool. And so was the end "battle".

Overall, a pretty damn nice movie - expecially for so new movie. But the first one, it will always be near to my heart - no (sequal) can "Top" that.

Movie review - Top Gun: Maverick

Top Gun: Maverick Director: Joseph Kosinski Writers: Jim Cash , Jack Epps Jr. and Peter Craig Actors: Tom Cruise , Jennifer Connelly and M...