Thursday, April 20, 2023

Movie review - The Predator

The Predator

Director: Shane Black

Actors: Boyd Holbrook, Trevante Rhodes and Jacob Tremblay

My guess: 4,7? - 2019? (5,3 - 2018)

My Points: 5,1 - 2,5/5

What a stupid movie... If I had three wishes, I'd hope four times - that this movie had never maked!

This movie was so lame, way too much CGI. At first, when the movie begin - I thought that I was playing some shitty game. So terrible...

But the movies script were even more shittier! So stupid, so stupid...

Why did they showed up Predator immidiately. There were no excitement, when they put Predator immidiately on the screen... He/she/it was invisible, but still...

This movie doesn't deserve the original music. It just makes my ears leaking blood, when they - repeatedly - used the music. This shit doesn't deserve that!

The "get to the choppers (motorcycle)" sentence, not funny - just playing stupid...

What was the predator dogs?! I gotta repeat myself, so stupid... And what do they do? Just stand around like some stupid statues, when they were shooted at. And one of them became a "good" dog, bringing grenades in his/it's mouth to the good guys?! I'm lost of words, omg...

I got nothing else to say, so lame and stupid movie - what lowers the "Predator francise". I'd hope this movie was never made. Although, I gotta mention the same thing that someone said; predator became to earth to kidnap an autistic child?! Good plot, lol...

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